All Borrowers must complete a loan request form for items borrowed, signing the receipt in the appropriate box when the publication is collected. If the borrower is unable to fetch a publication him/herself, he/she should authorize another person to collect it and to sign the receipt on his/her behalf. The borrower is responsible for all material on loan to him/her until the borrowed material has been returned.
Return of Borrowed Material:
Four items may be borrowed at one time. Borrowed material should be returned on or before the date that it is due. Extension of loans for additional periods may be granted provided that the publication is not requested by another user. Request for extensions can be done by phone or visit.
Period of Loans:
Items are available on 4 days loans. Additional requests can be made for an item for a period not exceeding one (1) month for books and two (2) weeks for journals.
Inter - Library Loans
Materials not available in the Centre’s may be sourced from another service point of the Library and Information Service on inter-library loan agreement. Overseas lending will be determined on a case by case nature