The total holding of the Centre is estimated at over 12,000 volumes. Bibliographic information for items within the collection may be accessed via the Centre’s Catalogue/Database. There are 7 major collections within the Centre: Dominican Collection (DM), Caribbean Collection (XI), General Collection (GG), Reference Collection (RF), Vertical File Collection (VV), Serial Collection (SS) and the Back Issues Collection.
There are other smaller, thematic or organisational, collections specifically geared towards enhancing the reference and research capacity of the Centre’s offerings.
Dominican Collection
Offers a wide range of items written by Dominicans or about Dominica. These include reports from government departments, feasibility studies, assessments, reports, proposals, theses and biographies.
Caribbean Collection
Offers items written about the Caribbean inclusive of Latin American countries with concentration on its socio and economic development, financial and economic management, sectoral aspects and political advancement. House all publications from CARICOM, OECS and other regional entities.
General Collection
Offers items that provide an international context on developmental issues. These include the economic, social and developmental reports, legal text to trade agreements, and books on education, human resource development, planning, and issues on information science.
Vertical Files
Offers a mix of brochures, pamphlets, articles and reports (less than 20 pages) that cover varying areas of interest such as conservation and solar power development.
Reference Collection
Offers resources inclusive of encyclopaedias, directories, thesaurus, dictionaries, indexes, yearbooks, guides and almanacs.
Serial Collection
A small collection of articles focused on national and regional development, from mix of journals, for example Times, Newsweek, The Economist and Caribbean Dialogue.
Back Issues
Contains non current journals and newsletters. It offers the user an avenue to gather historical information and research from articles on a range of diverse subject from a local and regional perspective. Listing of Back Issues (PDF, 31 KB)
Other Collections
Offers a collection of electronic documents published from local, regional and international projects.
A collection of UNECSO publications specifically focused on development in education that compliments information provision from the Dominica’s National Commission for UNESCO.
Rare Book Collection
A collection of rare West Indian documents housed by the Centre Listing of West Indian Rare Books (PDF, 60KB).
Thematic Collections
Legislative Collection | |
Laws of the Commonwealth of Dominica | 1990 Revised, 1961 |
Hansards of the House of Assembly | 1976 - Present |
Acts | 1969 - Present (Bind) |
Statutory Rules and Regulations | 1968 - Present |
Government Publications | |
Director of Audit Report | 1956-2007 |
Official Gazettes | 1938 - Present |
Budget Address | 1984 - 2007 |
GIS Press Releases | 1984 - 2007 |
Estimates Approved & Draft | 1972 - Present |